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Unified School District
eRate 2024

eRate 2024

2024 RFP Schedule 
December 21, 2023
RFP Issued 
January 12, 2024
Questions Due to District 
January 15, 2024 
Responses/Addendums Issued 
January 19, 2024
Proposals Due 
January 19, 2024 - January 26, 2024  
Proposal Review/Scoring 
February 20, 2024
Award at Board of Education Meeting 
Purchase Orders 
Contingent on E-RATE Award and District approval 
RFP Bid Number Form 470# Winner
#910 240009707 CDW
#911 240009790 CDW
RFP Questions and Responses:
QUESTION: Cisco Prime Infrastructure licenses were requested with C9500-16X-EDU devices, but they are End of Sale. Would you accept an offer without PI licenses for these switches?
RESPONSE: Yes, you can exclude the PI license line item.
QUESTION: For both C9300L-48UXG-4X-EDU and C9300L-24UXG-4X-EDU available part numbers seem to be without the middle dash (C9300L-48UXG4X-EDU and C9300L-24UXG4X-EDU). Please confirm that you will be accepting offers containing the latter part numbers.
RESPONSE: Yes, you can quote without the middle dash.  
QUESTION: Please confirm that you will consider offers for C9300L-STACK-KIT and STACK-T3-3M if they are offered as functionally the same spare items (C9300L-STACK-KIT= and STACK-T3-3M=)?
RESPONSE: Yes, as long as the quote contains two stack modules and a 3M cable.
eRate 2023

eRate 2023

RFP Schedule 

December 22, 2022 

RFP Issued 

January 20, 2023 

Questions Due to District 

January 22, 2023 

Responses/Addendums Issued 

January 27, 2023 

Proposals Due 

January 27, 2023 – February 8, 2023 

Proposal Review/Scoring 

February 21, 2023 

Award at Board of Education Meeting 

Purchase Orders 

Contingent on E-RATE Award and District approval 

RFP Bid Number Winner
(switches to replace router) #892 CDWG
#893 AT&T
#894 AT&T
RFP Questions
Question 1: 
Is your organization specifically looking to purchase Palo Alto Networks equipment or are you open to receiving an equivalent quote from another manufacturer.  
Answer 1: We are replacing an HA pair of Palo Alto firewalls.  While our network team has extensive knowledge with Palo Alto firewalls we are willing to consider equivalent firewalls from other manufacturers if they meet our requirement needs.